Personally, they should make brand new power armour, away from the Brotherhood of Steel and Enclave area and more into the secret armour like the T-51B series but more detailed, that’s just my opinion though…. The armours use the same helmets as the Mk1's Added one more NPC equipped with the remnants tesla version Added clean versions of the 1.5 to the lockers, and one version of the remnant armour to the.
These are slighly better stats and have a different mesh. It’s been classed as a “Work In Progress”, I know some people are a little fed up of seeing Enclave or Brotherhood of Steel but that doesn’t stop the creators from letting you get your hands on their equipment in New Vegas at least but we never know if this will be the final product. Added new Mk 1.5 Armours, both remnant and enclave, and both tesla and normal versions. This is Enclave Advanced Power Armour from Fallout 2, you can tell from the weird detailed helmet, it’s also on the front cover of the Fallout 2 game cover. The picture your about to see maybe similar to old Fallout players and new players to the series may not know of, especially if you don’t study the history of the Enclave.
From the Fallout Wikia page, apparently, there has been a leak of a advanced power armour making a return to Fallout New Vegas, if you have played the original Fallouts, you may know this power armour from it’s shape alone.